Free & Confidential
If you’ve been through an abortion and you need post abortion support, TruChoice Pregnancy Resource Center is here for you. We help anyone who needs support after an abortion. Our counselors are caring and non-judgmental. We care about your recovery. Don’t wait for it to go away, let us help.
TruChoice Pregnancy Resource Center offers free & confidential post abortion support in San Marcos, TX. For more information call or text 512-396-3020.
Initially, many women feel immediate relief post abortion. The crisis is over, and they can go on with their lives like normal; no one ever has to know. However, for most women normal isn’t normal anymore.
Feelings of guilt, shame, and regret may lead to depression, substance abuse, nightmares, suicidal thoughts, failed relationships and much more.
Often, women don’t experience these emotions until months or even years later. The burden of carrying around the secret of an abortion can be overwhelming.
If you are one of the millions of women suffering from the regret of a past abortion, we want you to know that there is Hope and Healing. Let us walk alongside you through this healing process. At TruChoice Pregnancy Resource Center, we have caring and compassionate individuals who can guide you through Post Abortion Healing and Recovery (PAHR). This is an 8 week study in a small group setting with other women who share similar stories.
If you are struggling with certain emotional or behavioral issues, they may have been triggered by your abortion procedure. This type of behavior or emotion is often associated with something called PAS or Post-Abortion Syndrome. PAS is a form of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) that can manifest after having an abortion procedure or being part of the decision-making process resulting in an abortion. It’s important to note that both men and women can suffer from PAS. You may be suffering from Post-Abortion Syndrome if you are experiencing any of the following things:
- Severe depression or anxiety
- Intense feelings of guilt when remembering the procedure
- Avoiding children or pregnant women
- Thoughts of suicide
- Eating disorders
- Feeling numb
- Anniversary reminders, such as the procedure date or the predicted due date
- Inability to bond with current or future children
- Alcohol or drug use
- Fear that future children will die
- Wanting to get pregnant again to fill the void
It’s okay to know that you are not alone if you are feeling any of the things mentioned above. Tru Choice is here to bring hope and healing to your life. Contact us today to learn more about our post-abortion support programs.

Dr. Stephen Richardson
Medical Director
The content on this page has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Stephen Richardson who is board certified in Family Medicine and our Medical Director.
PAHR Program Details
Attending PAHR will bring great release as you take this first step towards healing. After possibly years of silence, you will be in a room where everyone understands how you feel. While it can be difficult to attend the first meeting, you’ll be surprised by the non-judgmental understanding and empathy you’ll find within your group. By taking this very important first step, you will come to realize that you don’t have to be sad forever.
You will be in a safe environment with other women who have similar stories. Your abortion doesn’t have to be a secret any longer. Although you will never be pressured into sharing your story before you are ready, you will sense a shared purpose and hope.
Once we start a new session series, the same people will attend each week so that trust can be built.
Our gentle, compassionate counselors will allow you a safe place to grieve… so that you can take steps towards healing.
They will guide you through a curriculum designed to help you and the other participants find healing, hope and freedom from your past.
Thank you!
If you have questions about current or future giving, please reach out to us!