TruChoice Pregnancy Resource Center has a Material Assistance Program (MAP) to provide you with the information and tools to become a great parent. Learn more about our free parenting classes.
TruChoice Pregnancy Resource Center offers free & confidential parenting classes in San Marcos, TX. For more information call or text 512-396-3020.
What Is MAP?
MAP is an education-based system of earning the things you need for your baby. Baby Bucks are earned by keeping an appointment with a client advocate who will take you through a parenting lesson.
The lessons are taught through a series of videos and worksheets that cover everything from pregnancy to toddler years. During your appointment you usually watch a video, then go over a worksheet and discuss the lesson together. You can earn even more by completing homework.
During these lessons you earn “Baby Bucks”, which you use to purchase needed baby items from our Baby Boutique. The MAP program has many lessons for you to work from, and lessons are individually tailored to each person’s need.
By participating, you could earn enough to have everything you will need for you and your baby. You may also continue to earn Baby Bucks for your baby to purchase diapers, clothes, and other items even after your baby is born. We would like you to benefit from all resources TruChoice Pregnancy Resource Center has to offer. You can earn your money through a combination of videos, pamphlets, workbooks, and classes.
Contact us to set up your free and confidential appointment.

Thank you!
If you have questions about current or future giving, please reach out to us!