Free & Confidential
Getting an ultrasound is the most important next step you can take if you have a positive pregnancy test. An ultrasound will help you know for sure if you’re really pregnant.
TruChoice Pregnancy Resource Center offers free & confidential limited ultrasounds in San Marcos, TX. For more information call or text 512-396-3020.
We provide free, limited first-trimester ultrasounds to those who qualify. A positive test (including a home test) is an indication of pregnancy, but not a confirmation. The test result should be confirmed by an OB ultrasound. Ultrasound appointments are scheduled following a positive test at our center.
An ultrasound is a simple and painless procedure that determines:
- Approximately how long you have been pregnant
- If your pregnancy is safely located in your uterus
- If the pregnancy is viable
If you’re concerned about being pregnant and don’t know what to do next, make an appointment for a pregnancy test at TruChoice Pregnancy Resource Center. Answering your questions and giving you the facts is why we’re here. Visit our center for a free pregnancy test and abortion education. All of our services are free and confidential.
Getting an ultrasound is the most important next step you can take if you have a positive pregnancy test. An ultrasound will help you know for sure if you’re really pregnant and how many weeks you’ve been pregnant.
How Far Along Am I?
If you’re wondering when you might have gotten pregnant or can’t remember when your last period was or perhaps your periods are not regular, an ultrasound will give an accurate measurement of the pregnancy. If you’re considering an abortion, you will need to know how many weeks pregnant you are. This information determines what abortion methods are available to you.
Have You Had An Ultrasound To Rule Out An Ectopic Pregnancy?
An ectopic pregnancy is one that does not implant in the uterus, but outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube.1 It is crucial to have a sonogram before having an abortion, partly for this reason. If the pregnancy is in your tubes & not your uterus, it can rupture and be life threatening to you if not treated immediately.2 Neither a medical or surgical abortion will remove an ectopic pregnancy.3
If you have any of the following symptoms, please go to the ER right away:
- Severe abdominal pain or cramping with vaginal bleeding
- Extreme lightheadedness or fainting
What Are Other Reasons An Ultrasound Is Important To Have Done Before Having An Abortion?
- In the state of Texas, a woman is required by law to have a sonogram 24 hours before an abortion can be performed.4
- A sonogram can show if the pregnancy is healthy/viable. If the sonographer (licensed RN) is unable to detect a fetal heartbeat, there could be a chance that you will miscarry naturally. Also, if there is a fetal heartbeat that is slower than normal or the baby is smaller than he/she should be for how far along you are, these things could indicate that a potential miscarriage may happen, which may eliminate the need for an abortion.5,6,7
- A sonogram is necessary to see how far along you are in your pregnancy. There are different abortion procedures & differing prices, depending on how far along you are.
TruChoice Pregnancy Resource Center offers free, limited ultrasound to determine gestational age, detect a fetal heartbeat and verify that the pregnancy is in the uterus. Ultrasounds are performed by a licensed nurse and reviewed by a local Ob/Gyn.

Dr. Stephen Richardson
Medical Director
The content on this page has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Stephen Richardson who is board certified in Family Medicine and our Medical Director.
The information provided on this website is not intended to diagnose any condition or pregnancy and should not take the place of your medical practitioner. Consult your physician with any medical questions you might have. The information and services are provided with the understanding that TruChoice Pregnancy Resource Center is not engaged in rendering legal, medical, counseling or other professional services or advice.
To schedule an appointment or if you have further questions about our services please contact us.
Call: 512-396-3020
Works Cited
-, Ectopic pregnancy
-, Ectopic pregnancy symptoms
- FDA, Postmarket Drug Safety Information for Patients and Providers
- State of Texas Abortion Law, HB No. 15
- Pregnancy Loss and Miscarriage symptoms and causes
- RSNA, Outcome of First-Trimester Pregnancies with Slow Embryonic Heart Rate at 6–7 Weeks Gestation and Normal Heart Rate by 8 Weeks at US
- RSNA, Slow embryonic heart rate in early first trimester: indicator of poor pregnancy outcome
Thank you!
If you have questions about current or future giving, please reach out to us!