Free & Confidential
Having an unplanned pregnancy comes with a lot of uncertainty. We are here to help you sort through all of your questions and concerns. You can make your own, informed decision.
TruChoice Pregnancy Resource Center offers free & confidential health information services in San Marcos, TX. For more information call or text 512-396-3020.
Below are several helpful links with information about your pregnancy, your health and your choices.
Are You Pregnant?
This is always the first question to ask. There are several signs and symptoms of pregnancy. If you’re having some of these symptoms and think you might be pregnant, it’s important to get verification from a reliable independent source like a pregnancy test or ultrasound. Our center is here to help you confirm your pregnancy on a more personal basis, one-on-one, and to look at your particular situation and health factors. Just for starters, here are some signs and symptoms of pregnancy to consider.
Know Your Options & Risks
It is good you are taking the time to do some research before you make your final decision because there are risks, just as there are with any other medical procedure, and you are wise to weigh them. Learn more aout abortion, adoption and parenting.
Emergency Contraception
You may have heard emergency contraception referred to as the morning-after pill or brand names Plan B One-Step™ and ella®. Emergency contraception is a term used for drugs taken after sex with the intent to prevent pregnancy.
Abortion Information
We offer free pregnancy services and abortion information in San Marcos, Texas. If you’re considering taking abortion pills, at-home methods or getting an in-clinic abortion out of state, we provide information on what to do before an abortion in Texas. get information on what to do BEFORE Abortion.
Abortion Pill Information
Parenting Education
Many people who want to parent may have questions or concerns about single parenting, co-parenting, marriage, continuing their education, financial stability and other topics. We offer free parenting education and resources at our pregnancy center for anyone who wants to participate.
Looking for more information? Click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions.

Regret taking the abortion pill? Please call now 1-877-558-0333. It may not be too late. Check out Abortion Pill Reversal website for more info.

Thank you!
If you have questions about current or future giving, please reach out to us!