Many women wonder where to buy the abortion pill online. If you come across a website that is encouraging you to buy Plan C despite a legal risk or without a prescription, stop! That website is avoiding necessary safeguards that protect your health. The FDA explicitly discourages people from using online distribution sites due to their risks.[1]

Signs of a Bad place to Buy the Abortion Pill Online

The signs of a risky website are as follows:

  1. The website encourages you to “get around” a prescription by a qualified medical professional
  2. The website connects you with a foreign seller who does not have to follow FDA standards
  3. The website encourages you to take illegal action. This is often disguised as a “disclaimer,” which absolves the website of all culpability for providing the drug but puts the legal burden on you for choosing to buy it.
  4. The website purposely obscures basic medical or legal facts

Examples of Risky, Disreputable, or Unethical Messaging

Many organizations are attempting to sell Plan C online now. Some are motivated by political fighting, others by profit. There is no shortage of risky, disreputable, or unethical messaging from common Plan C distribution websites. Here are three examples:

  1. The advice below is dangerous because it disregards consumer safety standards. Instead, it encourages women in desperate situations to risk their health by buying a potent drug without medical advice or a prescription from an international website. Before trying to buy the abortion pill online, talk to a doctor. Website that encourages you to get around a prescription
  2. The advice below is dangerous because it encourages vulnerable women to take legal risks that the website is not willing to take. The owners and operators of the website face no legal risk for connecting you to the network—you incur ALL the legal risk for buying it, as their “legal disclaimers,” clearly state. If you want to purchase an abortion pill online, at least pursue legal means of acquiring it.  Legal Disclaimer_ Dangers of Buying Abortion Pill OnlineLegal Disclaimer_ Dangers of Buying Abortion Pill Online
  3. Equating miscarriage with abortion intentionally confuses young, vulnerable women. Miscarriage is a natural phenomenon, while abortion is the intentional destruction of a viable pregnancy. Miscarriage cannot be illegal in any state because it is not a product of human action. If you see a site attempting to conflate miscarriage with abortion, they are purposely obfuscating basic legal facts. It is unethical. If you’re trying to discern where to buy the abortion pill online, avoid sites that connote false equivalents.Medical Questions_ Dangers of Buying Abortion Pill Online

Where to Buy the Abortion Pill Online?

When considering where to buy the abortion pill online, avoid risky websites. Avoid websites that encourage you to “get around” prescriptions or pursue illegal means of obtaining drugs. Also, remember that there are always scammers and identity thieves ready to steal. A woman who is pursuing something as private and difficult as Plan C might be hesitant to file a police report after identity theft has occurred.

While our pregnancy center does not provide or refer to abortion pills, we can offer free information and limited medical services to help you understand your pregnancy and your reproductive healthcare options. Our services are always free, confidential, and medically accurate.
